1. What is HFW?
Hijab Fashion Week is an internet event held by Asma and Em. At first, the event was held on Em's blog. On this 30th May, the week will start and many lovely ladies will showcase their passion for fashion and uber-lovely ensemble for others to be inspired on.
2. When is HFW?
HFW will be held this 30th May up until the June 5th. Usually there would be 2 HFW in a year (if i'm not mistaken).
3. Who can take part in HFW?
Basically, any women who wants to showcase their fashion to other hijabis or non-hijabis. I say any women because me myself is not really fashionable at the moment because of some restraints but still at times we just have to believe in ourself! :)
4. Why HFW? Don't you have any better things to do?
Well, it's not i don't have other better things to do. i do have but when you are passionate for something you will do you very best to squeeze in the time to do. Don't bluff because i know you would anything to get your hands on your passion. Like most men, they like cars, in free time they will do something with the car and they relax with it. Like me, I like fashion eventhough i'm not really fashionable (i don't know how many times i've said this)
5. Who have joined HFW?
in the previous cycle of HFW, among the well-known participants are
ok. this is just a little bits of who have participated in HFW. there are lots of other well-known people and this cycle an unknown people (me. who else) will interfere as well :))
6. How to participate?
Well, you just have to keep up with the updates from the site~
There many things you can see and learn from other hijabis around the world :)
Basically, during my application i was asked to send photos or Polyvore set to show you fashion sense. If you are lucky, the organizer will contact you for further instructions! :)
ok. that just a bit and all of the answer are by yours truly, ME! :)
So I joined this round of HFW~
I hope that everyone can have a visit and be inspired on the others~
so this is the poster!!
So if you may spread the word out and stay tune for the upcoming fashion week. I'm excited! :)